Ossie's Updates
July 15th 2024
Dear tennis pupils & parents,
You are receiving this email as I have you and/or your son/daughter enrolled in our term 3 coaching programs that start this week.
All confirmation emails with lesson and payment details have been sent so please ensure you read the info carefully. Please let me know if you cannot locate your confirmation email.
Please also note the following important information...
A big welcome to the new pupils who have started in our coaching programs this term.
All pupils are encouraged to bring a drink to all lessons. Please ensure your child’s name is on their drink bottle.
Pupils should wear general sports clothing to all lessons. We supply all the equipment and new pupils can loan a racquet for the first few weeks.
Lessons start and finish right on time so it’s beneficial for you to be a few minutes early to each week so pupils are not rushing.
Be sure to check the recent confirmation email carefully so you know which court to attend each week.
There are still a few vacancies in junior groups, adult groups and cardio tennis programs so please let me know if you are interested in a second weekly lesson.
We have a few private lesson vacancies as follows...
Mon 6.30-7.15pm with Aditi
Tues 4.30-5.15pm with Sam
Tues 6.45-7.30pm with Franco
Wed 2.45pm with Tyler
Wed 4.45-5.15pm with Franco
Wed 7.30-8.00pm with Tyler
Thurs 5.00-5.45pm with Raja
Fri 4.00-4.30pm with Sam
Please let me know if you are interested in one of these private lesson options?
There is a great deal of information and tennis promotion on our Facebook and Instagram accounts... sometimes photos and videos are posted so if you would prefer not to have your son/daughter on social media please let me know.
Payment details were on the confirmation email.
Fees can be paid via EFT (any time) or in cash or card when the proshop is open (see times below).
Fees are due by July the 22nd please.
OTC bank details are as follows...
Name: Paul Osborne
Bank: Bank of Melbourne
BSB: 193-879
Account number: 450 782 231
Please ensure pupil’s name and lesson day are on the transaction.
If you are looking to purchase a new racquet soon then we have a number of demo racquets available to try before you buy.
All pupils should have their own racquet by week 3 of the term. Junior racquets are in stock and only cost $40.
Restrings can also be done overnight with prices starting at $45.
I will be available this week to take cash/card payments and sell racquets, grips etc at the following times...
Monday July 15: 2.00-3.45pm
Tuesday July 16: 2.30-3.45pm
Wednesday July 17: 2.30-3.45pm
Sunday July 21: 8.00-10.00am
Parents are reminded that they should remain behind the fences during lessons to ensure a safe and distraction free learning environment for the kids.
The parent’s role is to encourage all players by applauding good effort and great shots. Please refrain from “instructing” your child during their lesson... let the coaches do what we are trained to do.
Parents are requested to remain at the venue during lessons. This is vitally important for those children under 10 years of age.
We do permit parents to help collect the tennis balls BETWEEN ACTIVITIES for the red level groups and privates lessons only.
Reminder also to turn car lights off once parked so they do not shine onto the courts and distract players and coaches.
Lessons will take place as scheduled unless you receive an sms on the day (there is no need to check with me). Once the temp hits 37.0deg or if courts are too wet to play then lessons will be cancelled.
Every effort is made to get on the courts and complete the required lessons each term, weather permitting.
If you simply forget to attend or if you forget to notify me that you are not attending then unfortunately you forfeit that lesson.
If I am given prior notice via email (at least 24 hours is requested) then every effort is made to offer an alternate time on a different day. I cannot guarantee that the alternate time will suit you though.
Catch up lessons can only be offered when prior notification (24 hours or more) is given via email regarding illness or injury.
How do I purchase a new racquet for my child?
Junior racquets are priced from $40-$180... please check with your child’s coach on the correct size (depends on age and strength of the child) and then send me an email so I can have the racquet ready for the following week’s tennis lesson. Payment can be made in cash (directly to me) or into the OTC bank account with the appropriate reference (eg Claire Smith racquet).
Adult racquets are priced from $160-$380... demo racquets are available for those priced $300+ as it important to try before you buy. Once you settle on a racquet please let me know the model and grip size and I shall order it directly from Head Tennis (my supplier). Delivery is usually about a week. Payment can be made in cash (directly to me) or into the OTC bank account with the appropriate reference (eg Adam Jones racquet).
Can we use the courts outside of coaching times? Yes
We encourage families to use the facilities for extra practice. Casual court hire is available for $15 per hour – please visit the club website for “book a court” details.
Club membership is also available for more regular usage via the Beaconsfield Tennis Club website: https://play.tennis.com.au/beaconsfieldtennisclub
What if we miss a lesson?
If you simply forget to attend or if you forget to notify me that you are not attending then unfortunately you forfeit that lesson.
If I am given prior notice via email (at least 24 hours is requested) then every effort is made to offer an alternate time on a different day. I cannot guarantee that the alternate time will suit you though.
Communication is the key here.
What’s the best form of communication?
Now that you are registered with Ossie’s Tennis Coaching the best form of communication is via email: ossie30@bigpond.net.au I check emails early morning, in my lunch break and every evening so I will reply quickly on all occasions.
Of course you are always welcome to call or sms at any time but be aware that my phone is always on silent when I’m coaching (25+ hours a week). The best time to call is during mornings after 9am.
Facebook messenger is not ideal as I only see the message when I open the app on my phone. Facebook is used by me to promote the sport in general, our various programs and the Beaconsfield Tennis Club.
What’s the tennis pathway for my child?
Children pass through the red, orange, green, yellow group program. Sometimes the entire group will step up to the next level from one term to the next or sometimes an individual will be promoted into a stronger group (this often requires a change of lesson time).
Keen pupils can fast-track their development with private lessons but that is a financial decision also (private lessons start at $42/lesson).
Once pupils are up to competition standard (ie they can serve 50% in from the baseline and hold a rally with a coach) then information is distributed to parents regarding weekend competition and tournaments.
What if I forget to pay on time?
As per the previous confirmation email the due date for term 3 fees is July the 22nd. If fees are still outstanding by July the 29th then a $20 late payment fee is charged.
If you need more time to pay the fees then please let me know as that can be arranged. Once again communication is the key.
Can I pay cash or Credit Card? Yes
Our preferred method of payment is directly into the OTC bank account. That way you receive a transaction receipt from the bank and we both have an accurate record.
If you prefer to pay by cash then that should be passed directly to me (in an envelope with pupil’s name and amount written on the front). Please do not pass cash on to other coaches as I need to record it immediately.
We have credit card facilities that can be accessed at the club when the pro-shop is open (see times listed above)
Are there options for adult tennis? Yes
Our adult programs include private lessons, semi-private lessons, group lessons and Cardio Tennis sessions. Prices start from just $16/lesson.
The Beaconsfield Tennis Club also runs night competitions, mid-week ladies competitions and Saturday senior competitions. Please let me know if you are interested in any of these and I shall point you in the right direction.
As always if you have any questions regarding our programs please ask via phone or email at any time.
What happens if a lesson is washed out?
If a private lesson is washed out then sms notification is given and options to reschedule are provided via a weekend email.
If a group lesson or cardio tennis session is washed out then sms notification is given and an auto-credit for the following term is provided.
Paul Osborne
Ossie's Tennis Coaching: Director of Tennis
Master Club Pro (level 3) tennis coach
Mobile: 0413 594 633
Facebook: Ossie's Tennis Coaching at Beaconsfield
Proudly supported by HEAD Tennis